Saturday, October 4, 2014

Weekendblog: Reinhard Mey - Ich Liebe Dich, Über den Wolken & Gute Nacht Freunde

D: Reinhard Mey ist Freigeist, Freidenker, einer, der es von seinen ersten Liedern an abgelehnt hat, mit den Wölfen zu heulen. Gleich den ersten, noch so bescheidenen Erfolg hat er in die Wahrung seiner uneingeschränkten Gedanken-, Rede- und Handlungsfreiheit umgemünzt, um frei zu bleiben gegenüber Produzentenwünschen, Medienverlockungen und Vorgaben der Plattenfirmen. Er hat sich keinem Trend angeschlossen, keiner Mode unterworfen, von keiner Partei, keiner Interessengruppe und keinem Konzern einvernehmen lassen. Er duldet heute wie damals keinen Sponsor für seine Tourneen, er macht für kein Produkt Werbung und gibt keinen Ton und keine Zeile seiner Lieder dafür her. Mey ist nicht auf Galas zu sehen, nicht auf Vernissagen und nicht da, wo die üblichen Verdächtigen die Kreation einer „Hunde- Wellness-Line“ feiern. Man sucht ihn vergebens auf den bunten Fotos mit den Lächlern, die sich an ihren Schampusgläsern festhalten, bei den Häppchen oder in der Schlange am kalten Buffet. Man wird ihn nicht auf Kanzlerfesten treffen und nicht bei der Pirouette auf dem Roten Teppich vor der Filmpremiere. Mey gehört keinem Event-Manager, keinem Politiker und keinem Medienzaren, Mey gehört nur sich selbst. Er ist unkäuflich und unverkäuflich, „niemands Herr und niemands Untertan“, wie er singt, niemandem verpflichtet, außer seinen eigenen Idealen und dem Respekt seiner Zuhörer.

Seine Lieder sind wie Theaterstücke, sind Dramen und Komödien, sind Posse und Requiem. Sie sind voller Trauer und Freude, voller Spott und Mitgefühl, voller Trost – und all diese Empfindungen sind ganz nah beieinander in seinen Liedern, wie in unserem Leben. Es sind private Weltereignisse, selbst erlebt, miterlebt, tief nachempfunden und in einer von immer treffenden Bildern reichen Sprache meisterhaft erzählt. Es sind originalgetreue Miniaturen, in 
denen man auch beim hundertsten Mal hören noch eine neue Wendung, ein verstecktes Lächeln, einen hintergründigen Seitenhieb entdeckt. Es sind meisterhaft geschmiedete Verse, mit unbändiger Freude an der Sprache und brillantem Wortwitz Silbe für Silbe liebevoll ziseliert, Zeugnis einer vom Aussterben bedrohten Kunst, in der er ganz einfach nicht zu 
übertreffen ist.

Quelle: Musik & Cultur Clubs; Link:

GB:  Reinhard Mey was born on December 21, 1942, in Berlin, Germany, where he spent his childhood. At the age of twelve, he had his first piano lesson, and at the age of
fourteen, he got his first guitar. He taught himself how to play the trumpet. During his school years he gained performance experience by playing Skiffle music with friends. In 1965, Mey was offered the chance to perform at a Liedermacher festival at Waldeck Castle, a converted castle ruin. This led to his first recording contract. In 1961, he became part of the group Les Trois Affamés, with Schobert Scholz.
In 1963, Mey graduated from the French Gymnasium in Berlin, receiving the German Abitur as well as the French Baccalauréat, and thereafter began vocational training as an industrial trader at Schering AG Berlin. He broke off his university studies in economics in order to dedicate himself fully to songwriting and singing, and has been a successful performer in Germany, in France, and in the Netherlands ever since. He has written songs in German, French, Dutch, and English. He records his French material under the name of Frédérik Mey. In 1967, he married a French woman named Christine. Their marriage was dissolved in 1976.
Today, Mey lives in Berlin-Frohnau in his second marriage (since 1977) to Hella Hennies (born in Hannover), and had three children in the marriage: Frederik (born November 20, 1976), Maximilian (born January 28, 1982; died May 2014), and Victoria-Luise (born November 19, 1985).
His son Maximilian died in May 2014 after five years of persistent vegetative state.  On September 7, 2009, Reinhard Mey revealed in an interview on a German TV talk show that Maximilian had been in the persistent vegetative state since March 13, 2009. Undiagnosed severe pneumonia led to a cardio-pulmonary arrest, from which Maximilian was resuscitated after eight minutes of hypoxia.

Lyrics and political views
Mey writes both sensitive and humorous songs, with subject matter taken mostly from his everyday life and surroundings. His themes include life on the road, his hobbies (e.g., flying), childhood memories, his family life and surroundings, and occasionally politics. Many of his songs are humorous and demonstrate Mey's extraordinary linguistic versatility. Mey's songs are characterized most by their expressiveness of language and their penetrating melodies.
Mey's politics tend to be moderate to left-leaning. He speaks out in particular for freedom and non-violence, and not only in his songs (for example, he participated in a demonstration at the beginning of 2003 against the coming war in Iraq). Nevertheless, his Annabelle critizises female political correct deadly-serious non-serene activism in a way rarely heard in the German scene (and certainly not leftist); Mey is said later to have repented of it and wrote another song in response to himself. Strongly influenced by the French chanson, Mey's political songs were relatively scarce among his works at the beginning, but they have increased in quantity over time, such that there is usually at least one song on each new album that concerns itself with politics. His 2004 album, Nanga Parbat, for example, includes "Alles OK in Guantanamo Bay", a song critical of the U.S. detention facility on the island of Cuba.
For years, Mey has been an avid vegetarian, and also has been active in the German chapter of the organization People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA). Several of his songs deal with the theme of prevention of cruelty to animals, the most famous one being "Die Würde des Schweins ist unantastbar" (roughly, "a pig's dignity is inviolable.", echoing the first sentence of the first article of the German constitution)
Font: Wikipedia/engl.

Eu te amo

Eu preenchi inúmeras páginas, Eu vim com histórias; eu ainda devo uma resposta
Eu fiz o pensador e o palhaço, tenho dado sabedoria de mim; E de alguma forma parece loucura para mim; eu falei como isto custaria minha vida minha vida; E ainda só já significava uma coisa

eu te amo; eu preciso de você; eu confio em Vós; Eu vou construir para você;
Não quero viver sem você; eu te amo;

eu tentei falar em novas imagens; Mas agora o tempo acaba de dentro de mim; Eu não posso descrever a 7 cantos; eu digo isso de forma simples e precisa; eu digo isso e eu escrevo; seu teu espelho, no banco, na janela embaçada; O que eu inventei tantos desvios

eu te amo; eu preciso de você; eu confio em Vós; Eu conto com você; Não quero viver sem você; eu te amo;

Às vezes eu posso ver nós em pensamento; em pé sobre uma plataforma deserta; barreiras invisível entre nós; E um fica, o outro deve-se ir; vozes de alto-falantes e portas batendo; E acenando do trem em movimento; eu quero dizê-lo uma e outra vez; E diz isso pra  ti suficiente;

eu te amo; eu preciso de você; Eu confio em você; Eu conot com você; Não quero viver sem você; eu te amo;

Fonte: Vagalumes

Ich Liebe Dich


Above the Clouds

Northeastern wind, runway 03, The engines’ roar is reaching me. Like an arrow she whizzes past,
It roars in my ears. And the wet asphalt quakes. The rain whirls up like a veil, And then takeoff and she glides; Towards the sun.
Freedom is said to be boundless; there above the clouds, It is said that all fears, all anxieties
Are left behind down there, and then What appears to be grand and weighty; Would suddenly appear insignificant and small.
I watch her for quite some time, And see how she scales the clouds, ;Until the lights gradually
Disappear in the greyness of the rain.Already my eyes; Have lost sight of the tiny spot.
Only from afar can be heard; The monotonous buzzing of the engines.
Then it’s quiet everywhere, I leave, Rain seeps through my jacket, Somebody is making coffee
in the flight control room (?). Petrol floats in the puddles and shimmers like a rainbow.
Clouds are reflected in them.I’d like to have joined the flight.
Freedom is said to be boundless; there above the clouds, It is said that all fears, all anxieties;
Are left behind down there, and then; What appears to be grand and weighty; Would suddenly appear insignificant and small.
Freedom is said to be boundless; there above the clouds,It is said that all fears, all anxieties
Are left behind down there, and then; What appears to be grand and weighty; Would suddenly appear insignificant and small.

Encima de la nubes

Viento de noreste, pista zero tres; Hasta aqui escucho los motores; Como una flecha esta pasando
Y resuena en mis oidos; Y el asfalto mojado se mueve; Como un velo se desparte la lluvia
Hasta que sube y flota; En direccion al sol
Encima de la nubes la libertad deberia ser ilimitada; Todos los miedos y todos los preocupaciones, se dice; Se quedan escondidos debajo, y asi; Lo que no parece grande e importante; Se convertiria en algo vano y peque~no;
La sigo mirando por mucho tiempo; Veo como escala las nubes; Haste que las luces poco a poco
Se confunden en el gris de la lluvia completamente; Mis ojos ya han; Perdido este punto minimal
Solo de lejos se oye momotonamente; El susurro de los motores
Ahora todo es quieto y me voy; La lluvia penetra a mi chaqueta; Alguien prepara un cafe
En la baraca de la seguridad area; En los charcos flota petroleo; Brillando como un arco iris
Nubes se reflejan en ellos; Me hubiera gustado volar tambien;
Encima de la nubes la libertad deberia ser ilimitada; Todos los miedos y todos los preocupaciones, se dice; Se quedan escondidos debajo, y asi; Lo que no parece grande e importante; Se convertiria en algo vano y peque~no;
Encima de la nubes la libertad deberia ser ilimitada; Todos los miedos y todos los preocupaciones, se dice; Se quedan escondidos debajo, y asi; Lo que no parece grande e importante; Se convertiria en algo vano y peque~no; 
Fonte: lyricstranslate
Über den Wolken


Good Night My Friends

Good night my friends, it is time for me to go, what I have to say will take a cigarette; and one last glass while I'm standing.
Thank you for the day and the night under your roof; for the seat at your table; for every glass that I drank
for the plate that you added to your own; as if nothing is more natural in the world.;
Good night my friends, it is time for me to go, what I have to say will take a cigarette; and one last glass while I'm standing.
Thank you for the time that we chatted away; and for your patience when there was more than one opinion, for that you never ask when I come when I go; for the always open door where I stand now.
Good night my friends, it is time for me to go, what I have to say will take a cigarette; and one last glass while I'm standing.
For the freedom who is a permanent guest of you,thanks, that you never ask what's in it, is it worth it.
May be it is due to the fact that from outside the light in your windows seem to shine brighter.

Taken from lyricstranslate

Gute Nacht Freunde


Reinhard Mey - Interview (in deutsch. ohne Untertitel)

Website de Reinhard Mey:

Anmerkung: Obwohl Reinhard Mey einer der bekanntesten Liedermacher in Deutschland ist, war es sehr schwierig Übersetzungen auf portugiesisch zu finden.
Note: Although Reinhard Mey is one of the most famous songwriters in Germany, it was very difficult to find translations in Portuguese.
Nota: Apesar de Reinhard Mey é um dos compositores mais famosos da Alemanha, era muito difícil encontrar traduções em Português.

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